Friday, June 25, 2010

Mike Mitchell's Summer Immersion: Introduction

Hello Everyone!

After going almost two weeks with internet access, IT has finally been gracious enough to grant me internet access. While that may sound excruciating to some, New York City and Weill Cornell certainly find many different ways to fill every second of the day. Plus, the secretary at IT, Maria, rewarded me with absolutely amazing candy for being a patient soul. A win-win situation, I tell you.

Now onto blogging; I hope to make this blog both easy to read and useful for:

(1) My colleagues in Ithaca who have participated in the program in the past, faculty included;

(2) My future colleagues who will be entering Cornell Biomedical Engineering in the fall of 2010, so they can have some tangible sense of the program and make the most of their 7 weeks from the get-go;

(3) Any individual who is interested in vascular surgery, my field of focus here at Weill.

In order to make this blog "one-stop shopping" for everyone, I will attempt to color code my blog based on interest area:

-Parts of my blog labeled BLUE will focus on items that are of particular interest to the future summer immersion classes, including day-to-day living, how to communicate with doctors in different field areas, etc.

-Parts labeled
GREEN (New York Presbyterian scrub colors!) will focus mainly on vascular surgery, but also diseases that I find of interest in the body, along with other areas of the hospital that peak my curiosity.

-Last but not least, suggestions for anything food/sightseeing/music/FUN will be labeled in CORNELL RED.

Since a lot has happened in the hospital in the first week alone, I will attempt
a broad sweep of the immersion experience each week. I will pose questions throughout my blog; either questions I may have had for my clinician, or questions that could spark interest in you, the reader. From there, you are certainly more than welcome to comment on these areas, and we can begin discussions based on the reader's interest in the field. Many of these questions will not have right or wrong answers, so any thoughts or criticisms you provide may prove to be constructive ones! That should be about it for logistics; I hope you enjoy my blog!


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